Vagina filled with cum

The Journey of Semen: A Biological Exploration


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The Journey of Semen

00:00:05 - 00:00:08


00:00:57 - 00:01:01



Welcome to this video exploring the fascinating journey of semen after sexual intercourse. We'll uncover the science behind what happens inside the female reproductive system.

During ejaculation, millions of sperm cells, along with seminal fluid, are released into the vagina. This fluid, called semen, provides nourishment and protection for the sperm.

The sperm's journey begins as they navigate the cervical mucus, a filter that only allows a select few to pass through. This mucus is crucial for sperm survival.

Once inside the uterus, muscular contractions, aided by prostaglandins in the semen, propel the sperm towards the fallopian tubes. These contractions are intensified during orgasm.

Some semen naturally leaks out after intercourse. This is normal and doesn't affect the chances of fertilization.

Finally, let's touch on female ejaculation, which is a separate fluid released from the Skene's glands during orgasm. It's a fascinating area of ongoing research.

In summary, the process is complex and remarkable, involving a series of events that determine the fate of the sperm.